Bandwidth 120MHz
Channel 2
Sample Rate 1GSa/s
Acquisition Mode Normal, Peak Detect, and Average
Input Coupling DC, AC, and Ground
Input Impedance 1 MO±2%, in parallel with 20 pF±5 pF
Probe Attenuation Factor 1 X, 1 OX, 1 OOX, 1 OOOX
Record Length 20M
Horizontal Scale (s/div) 2 ns/div - 1000 s/div, step by 1 - 2 - 5
Vertical Sensitivity 2 mV/div - 10 V/div
Period, Frequency, Mean, PK-PK, RMS, Max, Min, Top, Base, Amplitude, Overshoot,
Preshoot, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width, + Duty Cycle,
Automatic Measurement -Duty Cycle, Delay A-Bf, Delay A-B <t, Cycle RMS, Cursor RMS, Screen
Duty, Phase, +PulseCount, -PulseCount, RiseEdgeCnt, FallEdgeCnt, Area, and
Cycle Area
Waveform Math +, -, x, 7, FFT
Waveform Storage 16 groups
Trigger Type Edge, Video
Communication Interface USB host, USB device
Frequency Counter 6- digit
/ Waveform Generator Specification/
Standard Waveform sine, square, ramp, pulse
Arbitrary Waveform sine, exponential rise, exponential fall, Gaussian, and others, more than 160 groups built-in waveform
Sine 0.1 Hz - 25MHz Square 0.1 Hz - 5MHz
Ramp 0.1Hz - 1MHz Pluse 0.1 Hz - 5MHz
Arbitrary Waveform 0.1 Hz - 5MHz Sample rate 125MSa/s
Amplitude (500) 0.005Vpp - 3Vpp DC Offset Range ±3V (high 0)
Channel 1 Waveform Length Bk
Vertical Resolution 14 bit Load Impedance 50 0
Display 7" 800 x 480 pixels LCD
Dimension (W x H x D) 301 x 152 x 70 mm
Device Weight about 1.10 kg
1 Year- In house Service Center
Research, Diagnostic, Product Design, Automation